Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Review: Truncated

Two recent movies that I attempted to watch I had to cut short because they were so terrible. In each, I got approximately 30 minutes in (which if you have tried to watch these movies, you will know that that in itself is a feat) and then had to give up due to their extremely poor quality.

The Spirit was the first that I gave up on. Horrible dialogue, extremely over-stylized everything... there's a reason that movies that are made from comic books usually try to give the viewer a glimpse of the fact that it is from a comic book (giving the movie that "comic book" feel) but still very much maintain that "this is a movie, not a comic book."  The Spirit makes the mistake of taking the whole "this is a comic book" thing TOO far, and thereby boring the viewer with stale dialogue, over-the-top (and not in a good way) performances, and visual effects enough to make the viewer say, "ENOUGH ALREADY!"

The other horrible movie that I only got 30 minutes into was Postal. I should have known that any Uwe Boll movie would be a 100% sheer unadulterated suck-fest.


Anonymous said...

So this means that Scarlett Johannsen isn't The Fifth Element afterall and can't save humanity from all its problems?


Joe said...

Oh I have no idea... I guess I didn't get that far. She could be... I just didn't care to find out.

Joe said...

Plus, and maybe this is just me, but I have NEVER liked Eva Mendes. I find her extremely annoying.