Thursday, November 12, 2009

G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra

If you hate yourself and are looking for a way to torment yourself for two hours, I highly recommend watching this movie. Pointless, stupid, empty, hollow, idiotic, poorly-written, and cheesy, are just a few of the words that aptly describe this atrocious "movie".

Seriously, not even the fact that it's a "play" on the original campy "G.I. Joe" franchise saves this flick from being a horrible waste of time. The only way I managed to survive the entire thing was: 1. The pure curiosity (hope?) of thinking, "This HAS to get better at SOME point."
2. Large amounts of delicious Winegar's homemade ice cream.
3. Writing a paper while watching it. Yes, DOING HOMEWORK was a preferable activity to distract from the horribleness of this movie.

1/10 (1 point for successfully spending $170 million on absolutely nothing of merit... seriously even the worst films usually manage to make me like SOMETHING about them)

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