Saturday, April 18, 2009

Glengarry Glen Ross

I don't even remember how I first heard of this movie, but once I looked it up and saw that it starred Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alec Baldwin, Alan Arkin, Ed Harris, and Kevin Spacey, I knew I had to see it.

This is a movie that has a lot of things working against it: the title is perhaps once of the most unappealing ever (who wants to see a movie called "Glengarry Glen Ross"?), the opening credits roll by in a somewhat irritating style (you'd have to see it to understand), and the music to the opening credits is saxophone-based 80's-sounding smooth jazz. Extremely annoying. Also, although I don't usually mind swearing in movies too much, this one really overdoes it.

Although the plot to this movie is somewhat dull (salesmen trying to make sales), the stellar performances of Pacino, Lemmon, Baldwin, and Spacey make for some memorable lines delivered with spectacular flair. Overall this is a "take it or leave it" movie.


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