Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

The film will give viewers headaches. On one hand, the action sequences have amazing visual effects and sound effects which almost make one believe that giant freaking robots are bashing the hell out of each other, while on the other hand the schizophrenic nature of the action sequences are sure to give viewers seizures. But in the end, the minimal robot-on-robot destruction in comparison to all of the terrible story development, terrible acting by all of the "human" leads, and the abundance of irrelevant robot characters standing around making "jokes" or interacting with the awful "human" characters over the course of 2 hours and 20 minutes will cause you to say to yourself as you leave the theater "I WISH I WERE AN ALIEN-ROBOT FROM SPACE WHO COULD TRANSFORM FROM A PLANE INTO A DESTRUCTIVE MECHANICAL MONSTROSITY SO I COULD FLY TO CALIFORNIA, BLOW UP MICHAEL BAY'S HOME, AND THEN RIP MICHAEL BAY TO PIECES, WHILE GUARANTEEING THAT HIS FATE IN HELL WOULD BE HIM STRAPPED TO A CHAIR WATCHING ALL OF HIS FILMS ON A CONTINUOUS LOOP FOR ETERNITY!"


dj?lol1?! said...

I was told to go see it because "Dude, the entire movie is either half naked Megan Fox, or robots beating the crap out of each other." Despite Megan Fox, I still have not seen this movie, simply because of that description...

Joe said...

I believe Megan Fox is a generic-looking overrated woman. Hot? Yes. As hot as she is touted to be? Not remotely.

loldj said...

I believe you have found the point of contention for most educated males who have not/will not see Transformers.

Is she hot? Sure.

8-10 dollars + 3 hours of life wasted with no personal gains hot? Not really.

Joe said...

Well said, DJ, well said.

Joe said...

Michael Baysplosions