Thursday, April 23, 2009

Vicky Christina Barcelona

After seeing that Penelope Cruz won the Oscar for "Best Supporting Actress" for her work in this film, and that it was directed and written by Woody Allen, I decided to give it a shot. Definitely not the type of film I typically enjoy (or even watch), but this movie really wasn't bad at all. The Wes Anderson-esque narration of the film was a nice touch.

In many ways this felt like a fairly "flat" film. In some ways it seemed to be Woody Allen merely fantasizing a world where sexual promiscuity and wanton morality make a person "deep" or somehow more "insightful" than those who follow those old-fashioned ideas monogamy and faithfulness to one's partner.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, after seeing this film I wanted to move to Europe, sell photographs, and live promiscuously, while drinking into the late evening...