Thursday, December 24, 2009

Reviews Galore!

As my special Christmas gift to you, my two readers, I am doing four reviews all in one post!

The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard
A somewhat-funny movie starring Jeremy Piven as a professional traveling car salesman. This movie appears to be at least somewhat-loosely based on the IFC original documentary, The Slasher. Some of the jokes were great, many fell flat.


The Taking of Pelham 123
Not the most original of ideas, however, it still captured my interest throughout and features a great performance from Denzel Washington and a very good performance from John Travolta. Very similar to Tony Scott's other work.


Angels & Demons
The next of the far-fetched and somewhat-boring Dan Brown novel adaptations. It's hard to believe that this movie is from the same guy (Ron Howard) who gave us movies like Frost/Nixon and A Beautiful Mind. Not that it's really Howard's fault: he didnt have much to work with, apparently.


Inglourious Basterds
I really was expecting a lot more from this film. It seems that Tarantino has lost his touch somewhat lately. As much as I can appreciate the exploitation/grindhouse art form, movies like this also leaving me wanting to watch some of Tarantino's better work just to remind myself that he is indeed a capable director. That's not to say this was a bad movie: just that it felt fairly empty.


Friday, December 4, 2009

Public Enemies

OK, this movie took me a while to "get", but I eventually did. You see, I came into the movie with the wrong expectations: I came into Public Enemies expecting a gangster flick on the life of John Dillinger, done a lá total-and-complete-badassery. As I was expecting such, throughout the first half of the movie I thought I was merely watching a poorly-done and boring movie about John Dillinger. Then I started noticing the very distinct camera angles, the director's up-and-close-and-personal storytelling style, and the no-nosense biographical approach of the film to John Dillinger's (really-not-so-glamorous) life.

Before I "got", this movie was going to get a 4 or 5 out of 10. But now, viewing in light of, "OK, a gangster film that does not have a Martin Scorsese feel":



In the mood for that classic story of boy-meets-girl, boy-and-girl fall in love, boy-and-girl start shooting heroin together, boy-and-girl's lives start spinning out of control, boy-and-girl's lives are ruined?

Then look no further, Candy may be just the movie for you! Starring the late Heath Ledger in a stellar (and in light of his mode of departure from this world, somewhat ironic) role as the loving but drug-addicted boyfriend/husband of the beautiful and tragic Candy (Abbie Cornish), this is basically a heroin-took-my-life-away movie for anyone who can't stomach Requiem for a Dream. Great performances from the main actors, but not the greatest or most original of story lines. Still, a noble effort.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Funny People

"Funny People" is not a comedy. "Funny People" is a drama which focuses upon the mentality of professional comics, which can also be extrapolated to be an examination of the way we all use humor as a coping mechanism. And the film, because it's about comics and coping with life through the use of humor, features some great comedy. But the film itself and its 2.5 hr. runtime let the viewer get to know George Simmons, Adam Sandler's dying character, and in doing so, because Adam Sandler plays the role so naturally in this film, you're allowed to just sit back and wait to see what unfolds. Unfortunately the trailers earlier this summer revealed the entire plot of the film, but still, it's a truly enjoyable experience to just take the film at its own pace, rather than waiting for the next big "LOL!" scene bound to come up next. Despite the criticism that Seth Rogan plays the same role in every movie, having seen most of Rogan's films before this, Rogan's character of Ira is much more understated, less confident, and hasa genuinely good heart compared to his roles in "Pineapple Express" and "40 Year Old Virgin." However, his role here is very similar to that of his loser-pothead-nerd in "Knocked Up," however because he's able to develop over the course of "Funny People" due to the film's pace, his character seems very genuine and real. The biggest criticism people have lobbed at "Funny People" for its runtime is the fact that the last 45 minutes of the film feel "tacked on" after what felt like "the end," but this criticism is unfair because the time spent in the second half of the film focused upon Simmons and his ex-girlfriends flirtations takes place over the course of just 1-2 days, all in one location, and this time to get to know more about their past relationship, her current family, and the conflict between Ira and Simmons feels necessary.

While the overall plot in the end doesn't turn out to be incredibly special or surprising, the premise itself was ambitious for "funny man" Apatow and for what turned out to be inspired casting in Adam Sandler (who, if you've seen Punch Drunk Love, then you know is capable of an amazing performance). The film overall feels full and warm and insightful, and you come away from it with a greater appreciation of the role of humor and comedy in our lives, and with the thought that humor and comedy can only take us so far when it comes to coping and dealing with life.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra

If you hate yourself and are looking for a way to torment yourself for two hours, I highly recommend watching this movie. Pointless, stupid, empty, hollow, idiotic, poorly-written, and cheesy, are just a few of the words that aptly describe this atrocious "movie".

Seriously, not even the fact that it's a "play" on the original campy "G.I. Joe" franchise saves this flick from being a horrible waste of time. The only way I managed to survive the entire thing was: 1. The pure curiosity (hope?) of thinking, "This HAS to get better at SOME point."
2. Large amounts of delicious Winegar's homemade ice cream.
3. Writing a paper while watching it. Yes, DOING HOMEWORK was a preferable activity to distract from the horribleness of this movie.

1/10 (1 point for successfully spending $170 million on absolutely nothing of merit... seriously even the worst films usually manage to make me like SOMETHING about them)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Men Who Stare At Goats

I think this movie's satire was just a little too much. It was an entertaining film, but that's about it! I felt like a lost little boy. "Where is this movie's premise?"

6.5/10 (for entertaining me for two hours)

UPDATE: I just watched (on YouTube) the original documentary upon which this film was based. Watching the original definitely gives one a greater appreciation for the film as well as a more well-defined sense of, "Wow, this actually happened..."

I would say if you watch the original documentary AND the movie it increases the movie's score to an 8.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Big Kahuna

This is easily one of the most cleverly-written films I've ever come across. Kevin Spacey and Danny DeVito play their roles perfectly. Really, really EXCELLENT.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Trailer Park Boys: The Movie

Although I've never watched the hit Canadian TV show, "Trailer Park Boys," I had heard many good things about it. So, I decided to start with giving the movie a try. It was indeed quite hilarious, and (if fan reviews are to be trusted) is not even as good as the TV show. So, next stop: "Trailer Park Boys" the TV show.


Sunday, October 18, 2009


I went and saw Zombieland in the theater on Friday. Easily my favorite comedy of the year so far, and probably my second-favorite zombie movie of all time (right after Shaun of the Dead). Also, this is a rare movie where Woody Harrelson not only DOESN'T annoy me, but he is actually a likable and funny character (the only other movie where I don't mind Harrelson is "Natural Born Killers"). Definitely a worthwhile movie: lots of laughs, and cleverly written and executed.


Wes Anderson... a genius.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Just to Move....

the Orphan post down because the cover is quite annoying.

Monday, October 12, 2009


It seems like good movies come in waves. In the genre of horror/suspense this seems to be the case as well. After (surprisingly) enjoying "Drag Me to Hell" for the return to "classical" horror that it was, I was recently once again treated to a new, actually-good horror film.

Orphan manages to make you jump and feel suspensefully-uncomfortable even at times when you can think of no reason why you should feel that way. An intriguing premise, surprisingly-good child actors (particularly Isabelle Fuhrman), and an overall well done layout made for an enjoyable watch. Towards the end, this movie even (seemingly) pays homage to another modern horror classic.


Saturday, September 26, 2009


Easily one of the best sci-fi movies I've seen in a long time. Well-directed, epic, and edge-of-your-seat suspenseful the whole way through. A little bit predictable, but not enough to seriously hurt the film.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

I feel that I must preface this review with the fact that I only saw this movie because I was being social with my new housemates and their guests. I did not choose this movie, nor would I ever endorse any Matthew McConaughey movie to anybody, ever.

That being said, it wasn't quite as horrible as I expected. A chick flick? Yes. A Matthew McConaughey movie? Indubitably. As terrible as I expected? No. It even had one or two moments when I laughed.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Agony & Ecstasy

I am going to start putting a new label on certain films. It's the Agony & Ecstasy label. This label means,


I even bothered to slightly modify and doubtlessly infringe on a copyright to make a nice little symbol for these movies. After all, at Movie Posts Only, we know you are trusting us to give you the reviews straight-up, hardcore, the way things really are. So from now on, when you see this warning on a review, you'll know what's up.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The United States of Leland

To call this a movie about a kid who kills a retarded kid would be a disservice. There is so much more to this movie. The Jeremy Enigk (of Sunny Day Real Estate fame) soundtrack seems to add an aura of sadness. You simply must watch this movie.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Observe and Report

This is not the goofy, cuddly, giggly, lovable Seth Rogen from all those other roles. This is the comedic equivalent of combining "Psycho" with "Rain Man." It is DARK. This mall cop has serious issues. He is so sincere that every step of the way you root for him, while wincing at all he says and does, and then you stop and think about whether unleashing this man on the world is really a great idea.

This film is overall a comedy, but it really fluctuates (intentionally) in the amount of humor it includes. It goes for a very distinct type of laughter that isn't easily defined. The closest I can come to is to say that there's a correlation in how much you laugh to the degree of goodness and morality you have in your soul.

Thus, based on my amount of laughter and the dark, sociopathic joy this film gave me it was a solid B+

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dark City

"The Empire Strikes Back," "Blade Runner," "2001: A Space Odyssey," and "The Matrix" will always be the films against which I judge other science fiction films. Besides "Equilibrium," "Gattaca," "The Fifth Element," "Minority Report," "Children of Men," and "Alien," few sci-fi films have reached close to the pinnacle of being original, intense, thought provoking, and above all, make fantasy seem like reality and suck you in to the point where nothing else matters for two hours (which my favorites have done for me and all great films should). I hope we've emerged from sci-fi purgatory in 2009 with the enjoyable "Star Trek" reimagining, but the two films which really rose above all else and matched and exceeded my expectations for science fiction were "Moon" and "District 9." I could sing the praises for both of those films endlessly, but that's not what I'm trying to do here.

"Dark City" came out a year before "The Matrix," and as "The Matrix" was the first film I ever saw on DVD (at a friend's house) and recognizing the fact that I didn't have a TV of my own or cable internet until 2002, all "Dark City" ever was to me was a movie in the bargain bin at Best Buy with an unknown male lead and a creepy, indistinguishable cover. The only thing that led to me even watching it tonight was the fact that I saw it had been re-released on BluRay, with a director's cut special edition 15 minutes longer than the original cut. Anytime I see a studio has enough faith in an obscure 1990s film to re-release it on BluRay AND allow the director to recognize his/her own complete, original vision there must be SOMETHING to that film. "Dark City" was a box office flop, yet Roger Ebert called it the best film of the year when it came out in 1998.

The sets, props, and special effects immediately drew me in as a viewer. A sweeping view of outer space pans down to reveal a major city at night, and then Keifer Sutherland appears as a mysterious figure with a disfigured eye and a limp, and when he speaks for the first time his breathless stutter immediately causes you to forget this is the same man who plays Jack Bauer. A man wakes up naked in a bathtub, and receives a phone call. And thus the film begins...

You have absolutely no damn idea where this city is or who these people are or what the plot of the film is for the first 20 minutes, and then the clues and inklings begin to fall, and then an event occurs which must have been the origins of the phrase "what the fuck???"

All the characters keep moving and searching and striving for clues and answers and you as the viewer are propelled through this amazing landscape with them following an original story with unconventional characters and amazing ideas and questions about the nature of human identity and the soul... Sutherland, a beautiful and amazingly talented singer Jennifer Connelly, the always brilliant William Hurt embody their characters. The film is so well made and well written that you don't dismiss a single second as "just Hollywood." And maybe, just maybe, when the action pauses and you get some semblance of an explanation around 80 minutes into this 110 minute film about who is who and what the aims of all the characters and parties involved are... BUT that point in the film is SO far from the climax and "reveals" of the true secrets and eventual finale that... BAH!!!

I certainly don't want to say that this is the best science fiction film ever made... but it has to be one of THE best. And better than being one of the best, it is SO original and mind-bending and exciting that few movies allow my cynical, jaded, and bored imagination to take off and be set free for two hours as "Dark City" was able to do.


What would happen if the whole world went blind? This movie provides one possible scenario for that event. Brilliantly assembled, with cinematography and musical score bringing it all together, this is an absolutely wonderful, if at some times dragging and hard-to-watch movie. And Julianne Moore, despite being 48 years old, is still an absolutely beautiful actress.



Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Squid and the Whale

This movie is a delight to watch. Focusing on the lives of two boys who are growing up with an intellectual snob father (Jeff Daniels) and a mentally abused mother (Laura Linney) who simply can’t stand each other any more, this movie plays out, in many ways, like a “real life” story. The performances of all the actors are absolutely superb, and the plot and dialogue is clever, understated, and thoughtful.



Friday, August 21, 2009

Bangkok Dangerous

I'll admit, I was expecting this movie to be horrible. As it turned out, it was only kinda bad. Really, a cheesy-predictable plotline and Nicolas Cage don't make for a great combo. And yet, it is a common combo.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crossing Over

Most of the movies I've seen come out of Hollywood that address the issue of immigration are, well, exaggerated. Some sort of straw man (usually some evil ICE agent and-or hick) is set up and then easily knocked down to show that every immigrant is treated unfairly and that in the end only good hard-working people are deported.

This movie takes a much more realistic approach, showing the various stories of immigration from the perspectives of several different people from several different countries. In the end, some are deported, some become citizens, and some end up leaving the U.S. because they cannot get green cards. Overall, though, the movie is VERY good at showing some of the problems with immigration, from both sides of the fence, without ever becoming a preachy "all immigrants are wonderful" diatribe.

Sympathetic characters and a somewhat compelling storyline make for a good watch.


Thursday, August 13, 2009


Before I watched this movie about some "gangsta" rapper who got killed, I had very very very very very little respect for the rap/urban/"hip-hop" culture in America.  After seeing it, the seemingly impossible happened: I have even less respect for it. When someone's world is so small, so very very insignificant that their life is consumed worrying about "East coast versus West coast" rappers, then they really should just off themselves. Of course, they never do. Too much gangsta pride for that. However, they do a great job offing each other. Was the East-coast-West-coast "War" nature's way of throwing out the stubby dull pencils? I have to give that proposition a great big "Hrmmmm.... that just may be."


NOTE: this movie should not be confused with the well-made 1946 Alfred Hitchcock film, "Notorious", which was actually a movie worth watching.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Action films*

It's no secret that 90% of action movies suck (or they're clearly below average). However, when trying to review and grade an action film, the first things people begin discussing are the special effects, sound effects, and believability and excitement from the various action scenes.

I hate this.

I also often find myself giving action movies a "pass" when it comes to reviewing them because of the above criteria, as if these films and these criteria affect my objective judgment in different ways than other films, and thus the focus of my review or my initial feelings and reactions to said films is just naturally different.

This is b.s. pure and simple. I am not a worthwhile human being if I allow my judgments about things I see/hear/absorb to shift. Obviously there is no perfect objective measurement for "art" like cinema, but everyone has their own standards and beliefs, and I would be remiss to ever compromise those standards by subjectively saying a piece of crap film is actually "okay" because it was an action film and I shouldn't have expected so much from it. Movie critics of the world, STAND YOUR GROUND and call crap out for what it truly is.

*This post inspired by:
-Roger Ebert's summary of "G.I. Joe" - "It is sure to be enjoyed by those whose movie appreciation is defined by the ability to discern that moving pictures and sound are being employed to depict violence."
-A.O. Scott's editorial in the NY Times about the dumbing down of American cinema

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The International

The International is a movie about Interpol and other people trying to bring down an Evil Big Bank. The movie doesn't bother with making you care about this or about the characters. I fell asleep about an hour into the movie. Boring, confusing, and a big "who cares" film. Decent cinematography, though.


Terminator: Salvation

Terminator: Salvation
So I finally saw this movie in the theatres, and I admit: it was a loud theatre movie with no plotline that you need to see in the theatres. Christian Bale was, as always, an amazing actor, but perhaps I should see the other Terminator movies before passing Judgment.

I'll be back.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Gran Torino

Racial slurs aside, Gran Torino was an enjoyable experience. I can tolerate the poor acting on the part of the Asian actors. The whole point though, was that violence witnessed by the masses was what it took to "clean up" the neighborhood. Why were there so many gangs there to begin with?


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

The film will give viewers headaches. On one hand, the action sequences have amazing visual effects and sound effects which almost make one believe that giant freaking robots are bashing the hell out of each other, while on the other hand the schizophrenic nature of the action sequences are sure to give viewers seizures. But in the end, the minimal robot-on-robot destruction in comparison to all of the terrible story development, terrible acting by all of the "human" leads, and the abundance of irrelevant robot characters standing around making "jokes" or interacting with the awful "human" characters over the course of 2 hours and 20 minutes will cause you to say to yourself as you leave the theater "I WISH I WERE AN ALIEN-ROBOT FROM SPACE WHO COULD TRANSFORM FROM A PLANE INTO A DESTRUCTIVE MECHANICAL MONSTROSITY SO I COULD FLY TO CALIFORNIA, BLOW UP MICHAEL BAY'S HOME, AND THEN RIP MICHAEL BAY TO PIECES, WHILE GUARANTEEING THAT HIS FATE IN HELL WOULD BE HIM STRAPPED TO A CHAIR WATCHING ALL OF HIS FILMS ON A CONTINUOUS LOOP FOR ETERNITY!"

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Mexican

After not seeing this movie for a long time due to the presence of Julia Roberts as well as an unappealing title, I finally gave it a shot.
The cast was what you might call "semi-star-studded"... of recognizable faces, mostly "B-list" actors, but recognizable nonetheless. Although Pitt, Roberts, and Gandolfini all give good performances, the real standout in this movie is the soundtrack. The soundtrack perfectly matches the mood and atmosphere of the story, making the story (which was pretty shallow and poorly thought-out) itself all the more enjoyable.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

In the Electric Mist

Let me start out by saying: I'm not a huge fan of movies about the South. I'm not a huge fan of Tommy Lee Jones (who plays approximately 2-3 characters across ALL his movies). In the Electric Mist, however, was a good movie. A bit off-beat for a Tommy Lee Jones (who I lost a lot of faith in after the terrible movie The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada) movie, this movie held my interest the entire way through, even though half the time I wasn't really sure why.

This movie also has a great (albeit somewhat predictable) supporting performance from John Goodman.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Machinist

Yet another Christian Bale movie.  Easily one of Bale's best performances. Great writing and a non-linear format make for an intriguing watch. Oh yeah, and Bale lost 60+ pounds to play the role. Yikes.

Highly recommended.


Friday, May 22, 2009

The Prestige

This is another movie that I've seen previously, that I decided to watch again. I've been on something of a Christian Bale kick lately.

This movie is an excellent flick about a rivalry between two magicians, one a great showman but only mediocre magician (Hugh Jackman), and the other a great magician but mediocre showman (Christian Bale). After Borden (Bale) accidently kills Angier's (Jackman) wife, Angier becomes obsessed with finding out the secret to Borden's greatest trick, with the ultimate goal of destroying Borden's career and life.

With a great script and outstanding performances from Bale, Jackman, and Michael Caine, this movie is definitely worth watching if you haven't already. And if you have already seen it once, it's worth watching a second time for all the extra things you'll notice the second time around.


Monday, May 11, 2009

American Psycho

Having seen this movie once previously (a few years ago), I wanted to see it again because I couldn't remember much about it. So, this is the first movie review here at moviepostsonly that covers a movie that I am not seeing for the first time.

American Psycho is, to be sure, a very odd movie. Following narcissist and misogynist Wall Street executive Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) through his odd world of insanity, sex, murder, and music, we see a man struggling to be seen as the definitive "man" by the outside world, while clearly only partially even knowing what it is to be human. Bale's performance is absolutely outstanding, and the movie is so full of quotable lines and memorable scenes that I'll probably thinking about it for a while to come.

Finally, the movie packs the full punch of awesomeness with a surprise ending that leaves the viewer not completely sure of what they have just seen on the screen.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Resident Evil: Degeneration

So I got around to watching the "fourth" Resident Evil movie, the computer-animated one. I'm really happy that I saw this separately from the other three, because, although definitely a "Resident Evil" movie, it is undoubtedly NOT a "part" of the original three. As a standalone movie, it's not bad. Some of the graphics are absolutely amazing. But to put it simply: I just don't like this style of movie/animation. I feel like I'm watching one of those "between levels" bits of film in a video game. Considering this film was made by Capcom, I guess I basically am. Apparently this movie was made to please fans of the video game (unlike the previous three movies) so maybe that was why I didn't completely "get" it.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Resident Evil Trilogy

Hearing that Resident Evil was actually a decent movie, especially considered it's based on a video game, I decided (having never seen any of the movies) to watch the entire collection last night. I ended up watching 3/4 of the movies (the fourth was a direct-to-video animated movie). I will watch and review that one later, but as far as I'm concerned (having watched the three live-action movies that actually were in theatres) I have seen the entire "trilogy."

So, we'll start with the first, Resident Evil. The idea: a deadly virus (the "t-virus") created by the evil Umbrella Corporation has spread through their underground lab. A "special ops" team from the Corporation is sent down to investigate what happened, only to be greeted by virus-infected individuals who act like zombies in that they move slowly, try to eat 
you, and (in at least one case) walk on broken sideways feet. One member of the team is Alice (Milla Jovovich), is a complete badass who only wears Certified Sexy clothing. Remember, this movie is based on a video game. In the video game, Alice is the main character, so she must wear much less clothing than one normally would in a combat situation. And in the case of this movie, I didn't mind at all. Milla Jovovich was surprisingly attractive (I remember thinking she didn't look particularly good on the cover of the movie) and seeing her the entire movie certainly added an element of enjoyability to it.

Although the plot was pretty shallow, and the idea (virus-made zombies) was done better and much scarier in 28 Days Later, this actually was a fun movie to watch. Character development (especially of Jovovich's character) was surprisingly high for a movie of this type. The movie also never dragged. By the time it was over, I was actually left wanting more. Luckily for me, there were still two more movies to watch.

The second movie, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, I approached with caution. I had heard from various sources that this was the worst of the series, and very definitely NOT a good movie. Luckily, it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. The basic idea of the movie is that the t-virus has now spread outside the underground facility and infected the entire city. The city has been quarantined, and (naturally) Alice (still Milla Jovovich) is inside. This movie follows much the same pattern as the first movie: people must survive hordes of infected zombies, and Alice must kick major ass. In this film, due to viral modifications inflicted upon Alice by the Umbrella Corporation, she is an even bigger badass than she was in the previous film. However, this time she seems more appropriately dressed for combat. Luckily, this does not at all take away from her attractiveness, and just watching Jovovich continues to be an enjoyable element of the movie.

Again, a fun movie to watch, although not scary and not quite as good as the first. Also, unlike the timid, only-eventually-asskicking Alice of the first movie, Alice (in this movie genetically altered and already used to killing zombies) plays the hardened badass role. And it works well. BONUS fact: one of the soldiers stuck in the city is played by Zack Ward, aka bully Scut Farkus of A Christmas Story.

The third and final movie, Resident Evil: Extinction, takes place in a world that has been devoured by the virus. Only a few uninfected nomads remain. And who is one of those nomads? Alice (still Milla Jovovich). Alice has now developed even MORE powers, and now, in addition to her extreme zombie-fighting skills, also has some telekinetic abilities. The desert-like atmosphere of the U.S. makes for a cool backdrop for the action. One of the highlights is seeing Las Vegas buried under sand.

Of the three movies, Extinction was the second best, but really all three movies were almost identical in quality.

This is a trilogy in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts: watching the trilogy as a whole makes for a better experience than watching them individually would. It's like watching a 3-part, 4.5 hour movie. Each movie flows well into the next, and plot points remain more-or-less consistent between the three (this frequently doesn't occur in movie series). Also impressive was the fact that they managed to bring back the same actors (the ones playing characters that were still alive by the end of the film) in all three movies. Also sort of nice was the fact that all three were written by the same person (Paul W.S. Anderson) but each was directed by a different person. I think this helped prevent each movie from seeming exactly the same as the last.

This would be a great trilogy to watch as a "party" with friends because the movies move quickly, all three take less than 5 hours to get through (unlike, say, a Lord of the Rings trilogy party), and they're good "popcorn" movies.

Resident Evil:

Resident Evil: Apocalypse

Resident Evil: Extinction

Resident Evil Trilogy

Friday, May 8, 2009

Star Trek (2009)

Star Trek was a film that you couldn't help BUT enjoy from start to finish. The story, acting, effects, score, and general excitement were all well above average for action and sci-fi flicks. But most importantly of all: it felt like Star Trek. The essence of Trek was kept intact and it pervaded the entire film, while not trying too hard to be "Trekkish."

Those cast members whose roles were tantamount to mocking their previous counterparts like Scotty and Chekov were commendable. McCoy was amazing. But then Spock, Kirk, and Uhura while staying true to the spirit of the original characters became unique in this film, and due to the modified timeline, it's okay. In fact, the modified timeline makes everything okay. Nevermind the fact that the film doesn't ever explain how one event seemingly changed the fabric of history. Everyone KNOWS that once you mess with the timeline, then history is changed, and that's that. No additional explanation necessary. So the fact that the Federation hadn't encountered Romulans yet in the original Trek but they have in the film? Timeline changed. The fact that Scotty helped develop transporters and warp technology but both already existed in the film? Timeline changed. Yet, despite this overly convenient plot device, you WANT this universe to be different. There's no way to ape/mimic the original, and even if you could, who would want to?

Yes I'm rambling in no logical order about acting, plot, ect. but that's just it! This Trek film was full of illogical details compared to the history you know about original Trek, but everything is supposed to be new. Spock showing more emotion? That's okay, and there's a good explanation for that. Kirk becoming captain earlier than he had before? There's an explanation for that.

I really didn't think such a modern, spiffy, shiny-looking film could do justice to the original films and universe in any way, but somehow they did. The references and nods to the fans of "true" Star Trek are present and most feel natural and if you're a fan, they warm your heart. The musical score, while a pounding dramatic soundtrack, includes the occasional audio cue that a classic fan will pick up on. In the opening scene of the movie, we get the classic red alert alarm and classic communicators. The classic high-pitched whirring of a ship buzzing past the camera in space is there.

Now, this film truly proved itself when treading upon the most dangerous waters of all: explaining Star Trek history. What happened to young Kirk and young Spock? How did Kirk pass the Kobayashi Maru scenario? How did Dr. McCoy get his nickname? Uhura's first name? How did Pike end up in that wheelchair/scooter?

And again, if you don't like how they tried to explain events in Star Trek cannon, that's okay, because it's all part of the alternate timeline. The alternate timeline began on the day of Kirk's birth, so every event from that moment on can be explained with that plot device. If a fan or a writer of the film so chooses to reject any fact or reference from either "classic" Trek lore or the new film, this explanation works for both!

Eric Bana as the villain Nero was on a path for vengeance the entire film, so he was a pretty one dimensional character. But Kirk and Spock have something to prove to themselves and their legacies, and they carry the film. We see the beginnings of their relationship, and the roots of the dichotamy of the logical Vulcan and headstrong, brazen young Kirk and how in the end they mesh as friends.

Leonard Nimoy's scenes also work well and he seriously does not act as old as he truly is. The elder Spock's influence on the younger Spock is... well, he has a significant influence upon young Spock and offers some key advice which helps you better understand younger Spock, and allows Quinto to make the character his own in future sequels.

The film was fun. It was even exciting, and it was just plain satisfying above all else. I was smiling nearly the entire film. It never lagged. It was a simple revenge story with non-stop action, and that pacing and the constant series of problems allowed the film to be more about the characters solving the problems and interacting with each other than merely focusing on the action, and it was perfect. Each crew member has moments to shine, and there were zero let-downs.

Were there any issues? Well, Chekov's accent seemed to fluctuate between being true to the original and then other times sounding like me doing my best "In Soviet Russia..." joke. The elder/past Spock's final scenes and the way the writers handle him at the very end makes little to no sense. Some of the science behind the science fiction seemed too make zero sense (red matter? fine, use red matter, but at least explain the THEORY of red matter!) And finally, the worst thing about the new film? The Enterprise doesn't feel like the Enterprise. It never became a character in and of itself. The new look and feel to it was excusable because the entire film had a new look and feel, while still feeling like Star Trek. But we don't get to explore the bridge, engineering, or the transporter room in any meaningful ways. Sulu still has a lever for the warp controls, and Uhura has her classic earpiece, but that was it. While the exterior design of the Enterprise was cool, the CGI Enterprise's exterior (in addition to the other starships) was a bit too glossy, and therefore slightly fake. It is ironic then to think of the fact that the Original Series and The Next Generation, by using a plastic model, made their ships appear more "real" than in this new 21st century film.

While the TV ads are correct that this wasn't my father's Star Trek, for the most part, the universe felt like Trek, and my father's Star Trek had died a while ago. And while any attempt to resurrect the corpse of my father's Star Trek could have led to the creation of a mutant-zombie aberration that felt as if it were raping your childhood, Star Trek seems to have found a way to rise from the ashes. The true test of the new universe will be how they handle the inevitable sequel which must go beyond establishing the characters, but truly building characters and using the entire spectrum of the Star Trek universe from which to adapt an epic story. But for now, I loved it and I want more.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Review: Truncated

Two recent movies that I attempted to watch I had to cut short because they were so terrible. In each, I got approximately 30 minutes in (which if you have tried to watch these movies, you will know that that in itself is a feat) and then had to give up due to their extremely poor quality.

The Spirit was the first that I gave up on. Horrible dialogue, extremely over-stylized everything... there's a reason that movies that are made from comic books usually try to give the viewer a glimpse of the fact that it is from a comic book (giving the movie that "comic book" feel) but still very much maintain that "this is a movie, not a comic book."  The Spirit makes the mistake of taking the whole "this is a comic book" thing TOO far, and thereby boring the viewer with stale dialogue, over-the-top (and not in a good way) performances, and visual effects enough to make the viewer say, "ENOUGH ALREADY!"

The other horrible movie that I only got 30 minutes into was Postal. I should have known that any Uwe Boll movie would be a 100% sheer unadulterated suck-fest.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Mighty Wind

Another mockumentary from Christopher Guest, A Mighty Wind fell just short of my expectations after having seen, This is Spinal Tap, Waiting for Guffman, and Best in Show.  Don't get me wrong: it was good, it was (in Guest's formulaic style) funny. But... it seemed to somehow "miss" in capturing the exact persona of that niche of people that the movie focused on (folk singers). In it's own right, this was a decent movie, but as a Guest mockumentary, it was the worst I've seen yet.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ed Wood

A movie by Tim Burton about the man who was voted the "Worst Director in Film History"? Sounds good! Starring Johnny Depp as the infamous Edward D. Wood, Jr., Ed Wood is really a fun movie to watch. Wood's unstoppable optimism and clear and complete lack of talent and ability make for an extremely enjoyable watch.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Bonnie & Clyde (1967)

Although it is obviously an extremely romanticized account of the killers and robbers, Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, this movie was an extremely enjoyable watch. All the acting, from the likes of Dunaway, Beatty, Hackman, and Pollard, was absolutely top-notch. The directing was excellent as well, and brought about a clear picture of Depression-era times. The ending was perhaps one of the most violent and, somehow, cathartic of any movie I've seen.

Finally, Gene Wilder's short part as the memorable undertaker Eugene Grizzard makes for the absolute best and most hilarious part of movie. Even if you don't have the time/interest to see this movie, watching Wilder's ~7 minutes on the screen is highly recommended.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Vicky Christina Barcelona

After seeing that Penelope Cruz won the Oscar for "Best Supporting Actress" for her work in this film, and that it was directed and written by Woody Allen, I decided to give it a shot. Definitely not the type of film I typically enjoy (or even watch), but this movie really wasn't bad at all. The Wes Anderson-esque narration of the film was a nice touch.

In many ways this felt like a fairly "flat" film. In some ways it seemed to be Woody Allen merely fantasizing a world where sexual promiscuity and wanton morality make a person "deep" or somehow more "insightful" than those who follow those old-fashioned ideas monogamy and faithfulness to one's partner.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dune (1984)

I've wanted to read the novels and see this film as well as the SciFi Channel's late 1990s Dune miniseries for a long time.

So, having no time to read for pleasure, I rented the extended cut of this film from Netflix. The opening sequence had obviously been tacked on as extra prologue/exposition, because it was a series of paintings with a voice over that sought to explain EVERYTHING at the very beginning. It would have been forgivable if not for its rushed nature and the incomprehensible names, planets, and terms tossed around with no frame of reference. At least "Mordor" and "Gollum" are names I could spell out phonetically...

Needless to say I was asleep before the prologue was finished.

Upon its release, critic Roger Ebert gave Dune one star out of four and wrote "This movie is a real mess, an incomprehensible, ugly, unstructured, pointless excursion into the murkier realms of one of the most confusing screenplays of all time."

Needless to say, despite my initial encounter with the film and Mr. Ebert's blurb, I am always intrigued when a director tries to tackle an epic from literature, and while they tend to fail miserably, perhaps with Dune having no love or familiarity with the source, I'll find something redeeming ina film with a troubled production history and generally negative reviews.